Monday, February 11, 2013

Motivated, motivated....

During my life, I've always been a pretty active person. I did gymnastics as a kid, volleyball and track in middle school, gymnastics and tennis in high school, and lastly, any IM sport I could squeeze into my schedule that my sorority participated in. My quest to stay active even included soccer and basketball, leading to a very unimpressive scoring record on my part (0 goals, and 2 baskets over 2 years with AGD).

Now, as a college graduate I find my life swamped with committments other than exercise. Subbing, commuting at least a couple days a week, coaching volleyball, tutoring and simply trying to enjoy time with my new husband! While we try very hard to exercise, frankly, I can be pretty lazy, and when it's cold out, the last thing I want to do is get off the couch. But those are just excuses, and it's taking a great deal of willpower to jump over those hurdles!

Last spring, in a random spurt of motivation, I signed up for a 5k, thinking that it would be easy, but at the same time, crazy, cause why would I ever willingly run for half an hour? Well, I finished below my goal time (35:00, and I finished 34:34) and at my goal "speed" (no walking) and I was bitten by the running bug! After several cold months of laziness, I've signed up for a Bayshore 10k in late May, and the Color Run 5k in August, and I'm so excited to get back into the swing of things =)

Even though I can tell I'm not in my "prime" as far as my fitness right now, I would love to just feel more in shape. It's not even about being a Size 2 - I've definitely embraced that being a Size 2 really isn't in the cards for me anymore, and that's not really where I want to, or need to be. My body shape, and bone structure isn't built to be a Size 2, at least not as a 23 year old, and I'm proud to have some curves! Now, I really just want to tone, to be in shape, and feel good - regardless of what size my (short length) jeans are. Hopefully 10k training, Zumba, and possibly even ballet will help me get to the confidence level that I'd love to be at!

So, on the way to my first 10k, and hopefully on the way to feeling good about me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've found some activities that you enjoy big, I'm super proud of you and hope I can follow in your footsteps! :)
