Monday, February 16, 2015

Things Worth Fighting For

Things are still going very well! Here's a breakdown of my progress:

2/10 - I ran three miles in forty-six minutes; not my fastest time any means, but for run/walking it's a good easy run pace for a treadmill.

2/13 - Three miles in forty-five minutes. Again, not my fastest but a little bit faster! Just trying to get as many miles as I can under my belt before this riduclously long run.

2/15 - Eight mile run!! Completed in an hour and fifty-nine minutes, just barely under my goal time of two hours. This still puts me at about a fifteen minute mile pace, which is one minute per mile slower than I need to be at to be able to be considered a "finisher" for the Riverbank Run. My motivation today was one of my close friends and sorority sisters from college who was in labor during my run; all I could think about was if she can be strong enough to have a baby, I can run, you know?? Sometimes the best things in life are difficult to achieve. Graduating college, having children, running a marathon; all difficult. And maybe those things are worth fighting for, and I would do better to remember that when I get discouraged.

Workouts Completed: 31
Miles Run/Walked: 87.6
Days Until 5th/3rd Riverbank Run: 81
Days Until Bayshore Half Marathon: 95

Monday, February 9, 2015

Still Cruising

Running has been going pretty well! Lots of long runs in, still all on the treadmill, which I feel is killing me slowly. I've ran next to loud breathers, cell phone talkers, wheezers, and even moaners (yeah, it's as bad as it sounds). But it'll be worth it come race day when I'm ready (well, hopefully)!

Anyway, I feel like I'm finally finding my stride this season! Here's what I've been up to:

1/28 - Easy Run - 1.25 miles
1/29 - Long Run - 6 miles in an hour and a half!
2/2 - Long Run - 6 miles in an hour and twenty nine minute
2/6- 3.6 miles in 56 minutes
2/8 - Longest Run :) - 7 miles in an hour and forty-five minutes
2/9 - Strength and conditioning day!

Still cruising! These parts are dry but really just a way for me to keep myself motivated in addition to logging miles and times easily! So thanks again for reading!!

Workouts Completed: 28
Miles Run/Walked: 73.6
Days Until 5th/3rd Riverbank Run 25k: 88
Days Until Bayshore Half Marathon: 102