Monday, February 16, 2015

Things Worth Fighting For

Things are still going very well! Here's a breakdown of my progress:

2/10 - I ran three miles in forty-six minutes; not my fastest time any means, but for run/walking it's a good easy run pace for a treadmill.

2/13 - Three miles in forty-five minutes. Again, not my fastest but a little bit faster! Just trying to get as many miles as I can under my belt before this riduclously long run.

2/15 - Eight mile run!! Completed in an hour and fifty-nine minutes, just barely under my goal time of two hours. This still puts me at about a fifteen minute mile pace, which is one minute per mile slower than I need to be at to be able to be considered a "finisher" for the Riverbank Run. My motivation today was one of my close friends and sorority sisters from college who was in labor during my run; all I could think about was if she can be strong enough to have a baby, I can run, you know?? Sometimes the best things in life are difficult to achieve. Graduating college, having children, running a marathon; all difficult. And maybe those things are worth fighting for, and I would do better to remember that when I get discouraged.

Workouts Completed: 31
Miles Run/Walked: 87.6
Days Until 5th/3rd Riverbank Run: 81
Days Until Bayshore Half Marathon: 95

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