So, those of you who know me, know that for a time, I was obsessed -with Twilight, Harry Potter, and many more series. During my childhood, I "grew up" with Harry Potter, starting in 5th grade with Mrs. Wollet introducing the series to me, and ending with my graduation from high school coming the same year as the final installment. Even though the movies came out many years later, I still consider the books to mark more accurately the passage of my childhood.
Then came college; and Twilight. Thanks to my friends at 712 South Main Street, I became, again, obsessed with a series. I watched, and many can attest to this, Twilight probably close to 100 times in the 2nd semester of my Junior Year, no joke. I've read, reread, and listened to the Twilight series as well during mundane summer jobs, long car rides and to help me fall asleep.
When I came across Twilight, I was young, naive and desperate for my own happy ending. I was 20 years old, in a fantastic, new relationship; I was a young member of my sorority; and I was newly admitted to the Teacher Education Program at CMU. Young. So very young, but still, I felt I knew it all. And as silly as it seems, I saw these movies and books, and hoped and dreamed as thousands, perhaps millions of girls/young women have that I would have my own happy ending.
And as this series progressed and matured, so did I. I moved in with my then boyfriend (soon to be fiance), graduated from college, started substitute teaching, planned my wedding, got married, moved to a brand new city, ran a 5k, experienced the loss of a close (in-law) family member, and so much more. But in the general scheme of things, I grew up. I changed. And I didn't find my own happy "ending," but more of a happy beginning and start to the next part of my life.
It became very clear to me recently upon a trip to Mount Pleasant that I have changed. Not necessarily in a bad, or even good way, but I'm moving forward. I look at the same locations, Trout Hall, Main Street, 607 S. Main, the Bird, Tailgate and I'm seeing them differently. And I appreciate them, and the city that helped me become the person I am today, but I finally feel like I'm taking a huge step forward. I'm no longer living in the past or wishing that I could go back in time. I'm sure I'll revisit Mt P many, many more times, and I'll never let go of the memories, friendship and sisterhood that I gained in my 4 years at CMU, and in the same light, I'm sure I'll "revisit" the Twilight and Harry Potter series, but with different eyes.
So with that, I'm acknowledging that I'm stepping forward in my life, shutting one door (book) and opening another. I'm moving forward as a wife, teacher, sister, daughter, and so much more.
Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you can relate in some way, shape or form, regardless of your feelings on the Twilight Saga. Special thanks to one of my fellow sisters whose writing has inspired me to share my thoughts on growing up with all of you.
I know this is older, but I just wanted to say that this is a great post, and very beautifully written :) I loved it :) Of course I still don't like Twilight :P